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Management, Career, Recruiting
Find interesting articles of German and International Media on Career, Recruiting and Management topics.
The Rise of the Rude Hiring Manager
“When his three-hour board interview ended with an offer to join the executives for a beer, 35-year-old Martin* figured he'd nailed the job. He had spent the last two months interviewing for a position as director of operations at a sporting goods company. His resume was spot-on — he'd spent five years as a sporting goods sales rep and several years as an operations manager doing “everything from ordering for shops, to speaking with dealers, to sales.” Senior management at the new company knew him, his successful track record, and the companies he'd worked for. Slam dunk, right? Wrong. …
writes Anne Kreamer in *Harvard Business Review*Contact
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8280 Kreuzlingen | Switzerland
Tel.: +41 71-5880105
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